House Hound


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Buying a house but not sure if you are doing the right thing? House Hound provides you with information to help you make a more informed choice. The following information is provided in House Hound at present:• Average house price rise covering the last 6 years’ worth of actual sales data. It is a more accurate representation to take a longer term view than just a year on year increase as a property is a longer term investment.
• House price volatility. This can be an important factor when looking at purchasing a home. If the sales house prices vary a lot in an area, it may be that you are close to homes in a different price class. If not, then make sure you are buying a home at a price close to the bottom of the range of prices so you may gain some benefit fairly quickly.
• Facilities close by. This information is readily available, but handy to see this information with the rest of what House Hound provides.
• Busiest nearby roads. This list provides the top 5 busiest roads that may affect travels around your area. In some cases, certain junctions are indicated – best make sure that there is not a very busy junction between your work and the house you are looking to buy.
We are constantly improving the information that we make available through House Hound and a once-off fee of £4.99 will provide you with access to upgraded information as well.